As the date approaches for Thessaloniki’s 4th International Night Half-Marathon, organizers at a press conference on Wednesday said they expected a record of 21,000 people to take part in the two races taking place in the city on Saturday night.
The Half-Marathon covering 21.1 kilometres will begin at 6:45 pm, with 4,500 registered runners from five continents and 53 countries taking part. Because of the large number of athletes participating, there will be two start times.
The half-marathon will be followed by a five-kilometre “Health Walk” at 9:15 pm, with five starts, in which 16,000 will take part.
Olympic medallist Voula Patoulidou, now a Thessaloniki deputy regional governor and head of the race organizing committee, announced that an additional 2,000 places will be made available for last-minute registrations on Friday at a pavilion at the Thessaloniki International Fair exhibition centre from 10:00 am until 7 pm. Those already registered can also pick up their marathon gear
The 4th International Thessaloniki Night Half Marathon is organized by M.E.A.S. TRITON of Thessaloniki in cooperation with the municipality of Thessaloniki, under the aegis of SEGAS and AIMS. It is integrated in the Greek and international calendar of SEGAS, AIMS and EAA. It is also supported by many institutional, supporter and volunteering bodies, as you can see at the official website www.thessalonikihalfmarathon.org
(source: ana-mpa)