Κυριακή 30 Οκτωβρίου 2016

bookingolasena.gr: 32η Philoxenia tourism fair in THESSALONIKI

bookingolasena.gr: 32η Philoxenia tourism fair in THESSALONIKI: Όλη η τουριστική Ελλάδα στην 32η Philoxenia Η Philoxenia πραγματοποιείται από τις 18 έως τις 20 Νοεμβρίου στο Διεθνές Εκθεσιακ...

3 Greek islands-4 hotels voted among best in world: CNT Travellers’ Choice Awards 2016

3 Greek islands-4 hotels voted among best in world: CNT Travellers’ Choice Awards 2016

Santorini, Crete and Mykonos

Three Greek islands and four hotels were rated among the best in the world, after 300,000 readers of leading travel magazine “Conde Nast Traveller” had their say in the annual “2016 Readers’ Choice Award”, the results of which became public Tuesday. Santorini, Mykonos and Crete were included in the top 20 list, while the hotels of Canaves Oia in Santorini, Chromata Hotel, Kos Aktis Art Hotel and Kirini Suites & Spa were ranked in the top 50 hotels in the world. On the European ranking list, Blue Palace Resort and Spa (Luxury Collection) in Crete took 14th spot, while The Romanos (Luxury Collection)- Costa Navarino was placed 17th. This year’s vote had record participation and over 75,000 comments. The magazine readers showed their preferences based on their passion for original, personalised and unexpected accommodation experiences, both in newly listed hotels, as well as past entries.
Best Greek hotels:
12th Canaves Oia Santorini, Greece

There’s so much more to Santorini than clear blue skies and craggy hillsides awash in pristine white homes—though we’re certainly not complaining about either of those. At Canaves Oia Santorini, the draw extends to a cliffside infinity pool that overlooks the Aegean, and dinners whipped up from freshly-caught fish, plus a sampling of some of Greece’s finest wines.
17th Chromata Hotel, Santorini, Greece

Overlooking the island’s caldera, this boutique hotel and its 22 (nearly) all-white rooms epitomize all that Greek island life is about: Breezy, bright, and simple, they manage to flush out any memory of city grit from back home. After a hard day of watching the clouds pass over pristine blue waters, tuck into a flaky slice of spinach pie at the hotel’s CHROMA restaurant, and wait for one of Santorini’s legendary sunsets. The views from the hotel’s clifftop infinity pool alone are worth the trip.
20th Kos Aktis Art Hotel, Kos, Greece

The Greek island of Kos is famous for its abundance of Greek and Roman landmarks—Hippocrates’s shady tree has its home here—and you could make a strong case for Kos Aktis being added to the list. Its minimalist décor is a far cry from the fanciful flourishes of temples or forums, but what it lacks in flair, it makes up for in features like floor-to-ceiling bedside windows, and tasty, traditional Greek breakfasts comprising local favorites (try the loukoumades, sticky, honey-covered bits of fried dough, for a true taste of the island).
32nd Kirini Suites & Spa, Santorini, Greece

Sometimes, a little simplicity goes a long way—and that’s our favorite feature of this sweet Santorini hotel. Awash in a sea of fresh white linens and furniture, from the end tables, to the bed frames (and even the wall sconces), it’d be easy to clear your tired mind here. Take a table at Anthós Restaurant, hewn right from the rocky cliffside, where views of the cerulean waters below are best appreciated with a glass of Grecian red.
Best Greek islands
17th Santorini, Greece

No island group is so shrouded in myth as the Cyclades
11th Mykonos, Greece

Said to have been where Hercules killed the invincible
9th Crete, Greece

The largest Greek Isle, Crete is also one of the most

Παρασκευή 28 Οκτωβρίου 2016

bookingolasena.gr: Δείτε πότε να πετάξετε φθηνά από ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ προς ...

bookingolasena.gr: Δείτε πότε να πετάξετε φθηνά από ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ προς ...: Δείτε τον πίνακα δρομολογίων μας για φθηνές πτήσεις από Θεσσαλονίκη  προς Βερολίνο Σόνενφελντ. Δείτε καθημερινές αναχωρήσεις και διαθεσ...

Visitare Salonicco: i 10 posti da vedere !

SALONICCO  the land of Alexander the Great the kING OF MACEDONS .

Un viaggio a Salonicco è una full immersion in una Grecia fuori dalle solite rotte, una Grecia genuina, proprio come gli abitanti della città che al calar del sole colorano le strade con una vibrante atmosfera festaiola.
Se mi chiedesso la classica domanda di quali sono i dieci luoghi top da visitare a Salonicco risponderei così:
Agios Dimitrios, misteri ancora da scoprire

Chiesa Ortodossa, Agios Dimitrios si trova al centro della città, facilmente raggiungibile a piedi, è una maestosa struttura ricostruita dopo l’incendio del 1917che distrusse quasi completamente l’intera città. E’ una delle chiese più grandi della Grecia, dedicata a S. Demetrio, è il luogo del martirio del santo e nella cripta ne vengono conservate le relique visitate da pellegrini provenienti da tutto il mondo. Ma la vera sorpresa si trova proprio nella cripta, in una parte adiacente alla chies, dove grazie ad alcuni scavi sono state riportate alla luce delle terme romaneperfettamente conservate. Si ha quasi l’assoluta certezza che anche sotto la chiesa si trovino reperti storici, ma lì non si può scavare per non mettere in pericolo la stabilità della stessa. Misteri che difficilmente verranno  svelati, almeno per il momento.
Le antiche mura 

Per una bellissima vista dall’alto su tutta la città uno stop imperdibile sono le mura della vecchia fortezza che si trovano nella vecchia città, sulla parte più alta della città. Dal balcone panoramico è possibile riconoscere i principali monumenti di Salonicco e perdere lo sguardo scrutando l’orizzonte sul Mar Egeo. Consiglio di fare una bella passeggiata tra le tortuose vie della città vecchia caratterizzata da basse casette con i tradizionali balconi in legno che, scampate all’incendio del 1917, conservano il fascino di un tempo.
Il museo archeologico di Salonicco

Una chicca da non perdere a Salonicco è il museo archeologico, un vero e proprio viaggio tra incredibili reperti che mi hanno letteralmente stupito. Bellissime le collane e i gioielli macedoni in oro, con lavorazioni talmente dettagliate che sembrano essere stati prodotti da  mani di maestri orafi dei giorni nostri; guardandoli si resta stupidi dal fatto che sono datati 300 A.C!  E che dire degli elmetti e delle corazze che sembrano provenire direttamente dal film “il gladiatore”? Ma il museo è molto altro, anche se inaspettatamente poco frequestato e davvero un must se si visita Salonicco.
La Torre Bianca

E’ uno dei simboli della città ed uno dei luoghi più fotografati di Salonicco. Si trova nel lungomare cittadino, al centro di un parco dove i locali amano distendersi al sole o passeggiare accarezzati dalla brezza serale. Interessante ed un pò macabra la storia del suo color bianco: un’antica fortezza, trasformata poi in prigione e luogo di tortura, le mura della torre erano totalmente imbrattate di sangue. Fu nel 1890 che un prigioniero condannato all’ergastolo imbiancò l’intero edificio in cambio della libertà.
La Rotonda

Come solo alcuni monumenti riescono a fare, la Rotonda di Salonicco riesce a farsi notare nel panorama cittadino, rubando l’attenzione, oltre che per la sua imponente struttura, anche per la sua bellezza architettonica. Interessante sapere che come molti edifici storici della città di Salonicco, la Rotonda con il passare dei secoli ha avuto diverse funzioni. Costruita dai romani come tempio di Zeus, l’imperatore bizantino Teodosio il Grande la trasformò nella chiesa di S. Giorgio decorandola con bellissimi mosaici. I Turchi a loro volta la fecero diventare una moschea, distruggendo parte delle opere d’arte che conteneva; ma l’importanza di ciò che è rimasto e sufficiente per renderla unica nel suo genere e partimonio dell’Unesco.
L’arco di Galerio
Un’altra istantanea della storia di Salonicco è impressa nell’arco dell’imperatore romano Galerio che la commissionò attorno al 300 per celebrare la vittoria sui Persiani. Si trova nel centro della città, a pochi passa dalla Rotonda e viene usato come punto di ritrovo per i numerosi universitari che rendono la zona viva e vibrante.
Bagni Turchi
Le varie dominazioni hanno puntellato Salonicco con lasciti davvero vari e così in pochi passi si passa dai ritrovamenti Romani a quelli Ottomani. Per me entrare nell’ Hammam, chiamato Loutrá Parádissos ( letteralmente bagni del Paradiso) è stata una grande emozione, un’inaspettata  full immersion in una diversa architettura, perfettamente conservata nei secoli. Costruito nel 1444 come bagno turco privato per il sultano Murad II e il suo harem, questa struttura nei secoli ha aperto le porte al pubblico permettendo l’ingresso a tutti, ovviamente in aree separate per uomini e donne. Qui venivano i business man dell’epoca per discutere su scambi e chiudere affari; una vera e propria vita sociale girava tra le mura di questo luogo.
Il lungomare di Salonicco

Una passeggiata nel lungomare di Salonicco, accompagnati dalla dolce brezza che sempre spira dal mare è un toccasana per metabolizzare, magari al tramonto, tutto quello che questa città offre ai propri visitatori. Ottimo posto anche per fare del ‘people watching’, fantasticando ed immaginando la vita delle persone che per un attimo si incrociano con la tua, un popolo che a mio avviso ci assomiglia molto.
Il mercato locale

Il mercato di una città cela in sè l’essenza degli abitanti, passeggiare tra le bancarelle, scoprendo ed assaggiando gli ingredienti della cucina tipica, è una full immersion in colori e sapori, ed il mercato di Modiano, nel cuore di Salonicco, è piuttosto animato dal richiamo dei venditori che si sfidano a colpi di cantilene,  incomprensibili, ma che mi ricordano i mercati d’Italia. Tra una bancarella e l’altra, sullo sfondo si intravedono i bar dove le persone del posto si ritrovano per assaporare il frappè (in Grecia è un bicchierone di caffè freddo con ghiaccio), o per un pranzo low-cost.
I mosaici
Salonicco mosaici
Alcuni mosaici come gli affreschi catapultano chi li guarda nella scena che rappresentano e più si ammirano, più emergono particolari che incantano ed affascinano. La città di Salonicco conserva alcuni dei mosaici più importanti del periodo Bizantino, i più belli  si trovano nella Rotonda, nella chiesa di Agios Dimitrios o nella chiesa di S. Sofia: una delle più antiche della città e patrimonio dell’Unesco. Proprio nella chiesa di S. Sofia, costruito sulla cupola, il mosaico raffigurante Gesù ed i 12 apostoli mi ha letteralmente tenuto con il naso all’insù.

Info utili
Non c’è modo migliore per scoprire una città che esplorarla con chi lì ci vive, a maggior ragione quando si parla di una città come Salonicco che cela un passato ricco e vario. Se non avete la fortuna di conoscere qualcuno in loco, allora vi consiglio Thessaloniki city walks: passo dopo passo vi sapranno guidare alla scoperta del passato di Thessaloniki sulle tracce del periodo Romano, Bizantino ed Ottomano. L’ultima nostra tappa è stata proprio al mercato di Modiano, quale modo migliore per concludere se non dove la tradizione, culture diverse e sapori si incontrano.
Dove dormire: la scelta è varia e non sarà difficile trovare la soluzione adatta a voi. Cercate nel web, su www.bookingolasena.gr  un sito che potete prenotare biglietti aerei, alberghi , ristoranti crociere e.t.c.  Noi abbiamo soggiornato all’Astoria, un ottimo tre stelle a pochi passi dal porto e al centro della movida di Salonicco; stanze moderne e spaziose ed il prezzo sicuramente interessante, 63 euro a notte.
Nel link che segue abbiamo scritto alcune direttive  su  dove mangiare a Salonicco.

Delacroix at the Teloglio museum in Thessaloniki

The idea behind the Teloglio foundation's new exhbition ''DELACROIX AS STAGE-MANAGER OF THE GREEK WAR OF INDIPENDENCE'' is an original reading of two of the French painter'semblematic works ,steeped in romanticismand philhellenism ,through the eyes of greek visual artists.The exhibition will feature original paintings by Delacroix,broughts from Paris and Athens,as well the life-size of his ''MASSACRE AT CHIOS ''(4.5 X3.5m )painted by Evangelos Ioannidis,,from the Byzantine museum of Chios .
18 October 2016-31 January 2017
Teloglio Foundation of Art

Δευτέρα 17 Οκτωβρίου 2016


Το ομορφότερο cafe της Ελλάδας βρίσκεται στη Θεσσαλονίκη 

Λέγεται Paraty - Feels Like Home και βρίσκεται "κρυμμένο" σε ένα δρομάκι στα Λαδάδικα  To Paraty ή Parati είναι ένα αποικιακό ψαροχώρι στη Βραζιλία, μεταξύ Rio de Janeiro και São Paulo, που βρισκόταν σε μόνιμη περίοδο παρακμής, έως ότου το ανακάλυψαν καλλιτέχνες και επιχειρηματίες με όραμα κι αποφάσισαν να του ξαναδώσουν ζωή. Πριν από περίπου δεκαπέντε χρόνια λοιπόν, δημιουργικά μυαλά εγκαταστάθηκαν στους "κόλπους" του, ανέδειξαν τις κρυμμένες ομορφιές του και κατάφεραν αυτό που συμβαίνει όταν η τέχνη και το μεράκι συναντιούνται.  

Ένα χωριό πρότυπο, οικολογικό και artistic προστέθηκε στο βραζιλιάνικο τουριστικό χάρτη και μαγνητίζει τα βλέμματα όλου του πλανήτη. Ένα από αυτά τα βλέμματα, αυτό του Πέτρου Καραμπουρνιώτη -ενός εκ των ιδιοκτητών του cafe- όταν το αντίκρισε σκέφτηκε να φέρει ένα... μικρό Paraty ως προς τη φιλοσοφία και στη Θεσσαλονίκη. Και κάπως έτσι γεννήθηκε ένα cafe bar που όμοιό του δεν υπάρχει.     Η ιστορία έχει ως εξής. "Συνηθίζω να χάνομαι όταν κάνω βόλτες και σχεδόν πάντα στη ζωή μου εντοπίζω όμορφα πράγματα τυχαία. Όταν λοιπόν είδα το εγκαταλελειμμένο αλλά πανέμορφο κτήριο στα Λαδάδικα αυθόρμητα σκέφτηκα το Paraty". Η συνάντησή του με την (υπερ)δημιουργική designer Έφη Γιοσμά ήταν το κομμάτι του παζλ που έλειπε για να δημιουργηθεί (πριν ενάμιση χρόνο) ένας εμπνευσμένος χώρος. 
   Συνηθίζω να λέω (σε σχετικές συζητήσεις) πως η Έφη είναι από τους πιο ιδιαίτερους και ταλαντούχους ανθρώπους που έχω γνωρίσει. Στην τελευταία μου επίσκεψη στη Θεσσαλονίκη σε έναν καφέ μας, μου εκμυστηρεύτηκε πως δεν ταξιδεύει (σχεδόν) ποτέ, πως δεν της αρέσει καθόλου η "βαβούρα" των μετακινήσεων και πως όλες οι εικόνες που μεταφέρει στους χώρους που επιμελείται βρίσκονται μαγικά μέσα στο κεφάλι της. Αρκεί μια συζήτηση, ένα βιβλίο, μια ταινία, ένα τραγούδι...οτιδήποτε για να κινητοποιήσει την φαντασία της. Ακόμα δεν μπορώ να το πιστέψω.    Μου φαντάζει φοβερό να διακοσμεί χώρους που εσωκλείουν ενδιαφέρουσες παραστάσεις, αμέτρητα ταξίδια, μαγικές εικόνες από όλο τον κόσμο, ένας άνθρωπος που μου εξηγεί με φυσικότητα πως όλα αυτά είναι μόνο στο μυαλό του. Κλείνω αυτή την παρένθεση, που ωστόσο νομίζω ήταν απαραίτητη για να πάρετε μια μικρή γεύση της ιδιαιτερότητας αυτού του χώρου, και συνεχίζω.     Το concept εδώ είναι να νιώθεις σα στο σπίτι σου και η ομορφιά του να ξαναγεννιέσαι μέσα από τις στάχτες σου -όπως ακριβώς το βραζιλιάνικο ομώνυμο χωριό. Ουσιαστικά όμως, όχι επιφανειακά. Ένα ερειπωμένο κτήριο, σε μια γειτονιά που τα τελευταία χρόνια είχε "πέσει", ξαναπαίρνει ζωή. Κάθε γωνιά του χώρου του Paraty-Fells Like 

Home μαρτυρά ένα κομμάτι σπιτιού. Χαρακτηριστικό παράδειγμα το ιδιαίτερο μπαρ του, όπου κάθε του γωνιά απεικονίζει δωμάτια όπως κουζίνα, κρεβατοκάμαρα, σαλόνι κ.α. Με το που περνάς την πόρτα του, σε ένα ήσυχο σχετικά δρομάκι στα Λαδάδικα, αστράφτει το βλέμμα σου. Δεν έχεις άλλη επιλογή. Το μπαρ πρωταγωνιστεί στη μέση του χώρου ως meeting point, ενώ παίρνοντας το χρόνο σου όλο και ανακαλύπτεις γωνιές που σε ελκύουν και σου δίνουν να καταλάβεις πως έχεις ανακαλύψει έναν από τους πιο γοητευτικούς χώρους που έχεις επισκεφτεί.       Στον δεύτερο όροφό του πρόσφατα άνοιξε το Loft ένας διαδραστικός χώρος, που ως προέκταση του υπόλοιπου διακρίνεται για τη σκηνοθετική ματιά της διακόσμησής του και που φιλοξενεί events, εκθέσεις και μπαζάρ. Ο χώρος του Loft ανοίγει για το κοινό κάθε Παρασκευή, Σάββατο και Κυριακή μετά τις 18.00. Όλα όσα φιλοξενούνται στο χώρο -έπιπλα, αντικείμενα κ.α.- 

είναι ιδιαίτερα, ενώ κάθε γωνιά ξεχειλίζει φαντασία. Τους τοίχους του μάλιστα περιοδικά κοσμούν έργα νέων και μη καλλιτεχνών που δένουν με την φιλοσοφία του χώρου και που ο επισκέπτης αν ενδιαφέρεται μπορεί να αγοράσει.   Περνώντας στις υπηρεσίες και τις παροχές, εδώ μπορείτε να απολαύσετε καφέ υψηλής ποιότητας με σπάνια χαρμάνια να φιλοξενούνται στον κατάλογο, μια πλούσια ποικιλία από κρασιά ιδίως ελληνικού αμπελώνα, αλλά και το ποτό ή το cocktail σας. Στα ενδιαφέρονται "προσεχώς" η προσθήκη στον κατάλογο, δημιουργικών ταρτίν σε διάφορες παραλλαγές αλλά και άλλων πιάτων από τον (έναν εκ των ιδιοκτητών) Γιάννη Ιωαννίδη που αγαπά ιδιαίτερα την μοντέρνα κουζίνα.  

To Paraty, πρόσθεσε αναμφίβολα στη Θεσσαλονίκη κάτι που της έλειπε. Έναν χώρο που δεν μοιάζει και δεν μπορεί να συγκριθεί με κανέναν άλλο. Ένα μέρος που δεν νιώθεις ότι κάπου έχει ξαναδεί και που όσο κι αν προσπαθήσεις δύσκολα "κοπιάρεις". Γιατί το Paraty-Feels Like Home, είναι μια από τις ομορφότερες επιχειρήσεις που έχεις επισκεφτεί, 
ακριβώς γιατί αποτελεί ένα "σπίτι" που βασίζεται σε γνήσια έμπνευση, διαθέτει ισχυρή προσωπικότητα και προσφέρει αγάπη.    Info  Πίνδου 8, Θεσσαλονίκη τηλ. 2310522403   

Γράφει η Νάντια Μασσαχού +Φωτο: Νατάσσα Καραμπουρνιώτη  
Πηγή: www.greekguide.com

Κυριακή 9 Οκτωβρίου 2016

Τετάρτη 5 Οκτωβρίου 2016

Island Hopping: The Joy of Sailing in Greece

                                           The clock tower rises over the marina on Hydra, Greece. (photo by John Roberts) 

Imagine long, relaxing days on clear blue waters under sunny skies, with no appointments to keep and your next destination wherever you, your fellow passengers and the skipper decide. My voyage on a 50-foot yacht sailing in the Greek isles delivered all I had anticipated — and more. As a long-time cruiser (you know, the big ships), I knew climbing aboard a sailboat for the first time to traverse the open waters of the Aegean Sea would represent something altogether foreign to me. I was fairly certain I would have to deal with a bout or two of seasickness. But the weather cooperated, the seas were pleasant, I did not get sick and the trip was an epic delight. I traveled with Mar-A-Mar Travel, a company that charters yachts in Greece and hosts passengers for customized sailing experiences. I sought to tackle a full range of fitness-based adventures, activities that help me explore the natural beauty of the Greek islands and their surrounding waters. Stuff that leaves me exhausted but satisfied, knowing I had gotten the most out of the day and destination. My journey started when I joined the yacht in port at Mykonos. The famed Cycladic winds kept us there overnight, which gave me a perfect chance to venture into town for a dinner outside in the warm air and settle into the late-night vibe of Greek life in the summer. I munched on the first of what would be many Greek salads and skewers of grilled chicken over the course of my 10-day trip, tipped back a couple cold beers and strolled the maze of narrow, winding alleys carved into the tidy complex of white-washed shops and residences stacked neatly onto one another. Back at the boat, I settled into the tight confines. At 6-foot-4, the below-deck quarters that can sleep six to eight people deliver at least one daily bump to my noggin. While sailing, you become part of a family that forms along the way. Work on the ropes, prepare meals and dine together, share stories, play in the waters of the bay. You get the idea. It's not luxurious, but it's definitely rich in fun and camaraderie. Each day, we would chart a course for our activities and ultimate new destination where we would overnight. On the island of Kythnos, we slept on the boat in a bay, where we could swim ashore to reach the beach or go hiking up a hill. We even found a natural hot tub and immersed ourselves into waters heated by springs. During one afternoon on the voyage, the boat sailed alongside a large pod of dolphins. The playful escorts raced along our bow in groups of up to 10 at a time, creating an understandable buzz onboard as we raced for our cameras to capture the amazing close encounter. We also visited Hydra, Poros, Syros and Serifos — all amazing in their own ways, with friendly residents and fabulous food and historic sites to discover. Daily activities included jogging, swimming, snorkeling, hiking and biking. Like fishing? You can do that, too. At night, we would watch stunning sunsets, stroll through the towns on the islands for a little shopping or to seek out our next tasty family-style meal or a good bar to sip a beer and savor the atmosphere under the bright moon and stars. As travelers, it's nice to step outside our comfort zones in a bid to add fresh experiences. A sailing trip in Greece gives you a chance to set your own pace and collaborate on the type of experience you are going to have each day. The best part of this trip is that while the number of interesting islands, historical venues and natural beauty seems infinite, prices are reasonable in Greece. I found food, drinks, shopping and activities to be incredibly affordable. SOURCE :TRAVEL PULSE

Τρίτη 4 Οκτωβρίου 2016

57th Thessaloniki International Film Festival

57th Thessaloniki International Film Festival
November 03 - November 13 2016

Faithful to its established annual appointment, the 57th Thessaloniki International Film Festival will take place November 3 - 13, 2016. With renewed vision and a strong dedication to independent cinema, the Festival will once more invite both film makers and the audience to a special celebration of film. Films from all over the world, cinematic surprises, distinguished guests, tributes, masterclasses, round table discussions and parallel events will comprise the ten-day event.

Film Submissions
> Regulations

Submissions for the 57th Thessaloniki International Film Festival have now closed.

​Please check again in April 2017 for details on how to submit your film to the 58th Thessaloniki International Film Festival.

Industry Academy International
> Call for Applications> Registration Form

Film Market Registration Form
> Film Market Registration Form