Τρίτη 15 Νοεμβρίου 2022

Τα ταξίδια έχουν ακριβύνει: 8 κόλπα για να πληρώσετε λιγότερα

Τα ταξίδια έχουν ακριβύνει: 8 κόλπα για να πληρώσετε  λιγότερα 

Εάν το καλοσκεφτεί κανείς, μοιάζει άδικο: Την ώρα που αρχίσαμε να βγαίνουμε από τα lockdowns και να τολμάμε να ονειρευτούμε και πάλι ταξίδια, «χτύπησε» η ενεργειακή κρίση.

Ξαφνικά, το κόστος των αεροπορικών εισιτηρίων ή ενός οδικού ταξιδιού εκτινάσσεται, ενώ η αύξηση του πληθωρισμού και των επιτοκίων ανεβάζει τις τιμές των ξενοδοχείων κατά 10% ή και περισσότερο σε πολλούς δημοφιλείς προορισμούς, σύμφωνα με το CNN.

Την ίδια στιγμή, οι συναλλαγματικές διαφορές μάλλον δεν βοηθούν. Εάν κάποιος ταξιδεύει εκτός συνόρων έχοντας στην τσέπη του δολάρια, τα πάντα στον πλανήτη μοιάζουν να είναι σε έκπτωση. Όμως για τους υπόλοιπους, όλα έχουν γίνει πιο ακριβά σε σχέση με πριν από έναν χρόνο.

Παρόλα αυτά, υπάρχουν τρόποι για να μπορέσει κανείς να ταξιδέψει με χαμηλότερο κόστος. Το CNN δίνει οκτώ συμβουλές.

Βρείτε εισιτήρια σε προσφορά και μετά επιλέξτε τον προορισμό

Αν είστε ανοικτοί σε νέες εμπειρίες, αφήστε τις προσφορές των αεροπορικών εταιρειών να σας οδηγήσουν στον προορισμό.

Πολλοί ταξιδιώτες επιλέγουν έναν προορισμό που θέλουν να επισκεφτούν, χωρίς να κάνουν πολλή έρευνα, και στη συνέχεια προσπαθούν να «χωρέσουν» τις τιμές που βλέπουν στο μπάτζετ τους. Μια πολύ καλύτερη στρατηγική είναι να διαπιστώσετε πού βρίσκονται τα φθηνά εισιτήρια και να διαλέξετε έναν προορισμό διακοπών αναλόγως.

Πηγαίντε στο Google Flights, συμπληρώστε το αεροδρόμιο της πόλης σας, επιλέξτε μια ημερομηνία και αφήστε κενό τον προορισμό. Μπορείτε να «παίξετε» με τις ημερομηνίες για να βρείτε τον καλύτερο χρόνο για να ταξιδέψετε.

Πηγαίνετε εκεί όπου το νόμισμά σας «πιάνει τόπο»

Οι Ευρωπαίοι βλέπουν την αγοραστική δύναμη του ευρώ στο εξωτερικό να μειώνεται, όμως μπορούν ακόμα να βρουν χαμηλότερες τιμές από ό,τι πριν από ένα χρόνο σε κάποιους προορισμούς.

Μπορούν για παράδειγμα να επισκεφθούν την Τουρκία, να εξερευνήσουν την Παταγονία και το Μπουένος Άιρες στην Αργεντινή ή να πλεύσουν στον Νείλο σε ένα ταξίδι στην Αίγυπτο. Ελκυστικοί προορισμοί μπορεί επίσης να είναι, για τους ίδιους λόγους, η Ουγγαρία, το Λάος και η Νότια Κορέα.

Περιορίστε τις χρεώσεις σας στο ελάχιστο ενώ ταξιδεύετε

Αποφύγετε τις χρεώσεις όταν χρησιμοποιείτε μια πιστωτική ή χρεωστική κάρτα στο εξωτερικό. Βεβαιωθείτε ότι έχετε τουλάχιστον μία πιστωτική κάρτα που δεν χρεώνει προμήθεια συναλλαγής στο εξωτερικό και ιδανικά χρησιμοποιήστε μια χρεωστική κάρτα που δεν χρεώνει για την ανάληψη στο ATM.

Παίξτε σωστά το παιχνίδι των ξενοδοχείων και των ενοικιαζόμενων

Μερικές φορές τα ξενοδοχεία είναι φθηνότερα, αλλά άλλες φορές, τα ενοικιαζόμενα καταλύματα αποτελούν ευκαιρία. Για αυτό, κάντε την έρευνά σας.

Εξετάστε κάθε κόστος: Χρειάζεστε πραγματικά μια κουζίνα στο δωμάτιό σας; Σε κάποιους προορισμούς, όπως είναι η Ταϊλάνδη και το Βιετνάμ, μπορεί να είναι φθηνότερο να τρώτε έξω σε κάθε γεύμα παρά να μαγειρεύετε μόνοι σας.

Ό,τι και εάν επιλέξετε, δώστε μεγάλη προσοχή στα σχόλια των προηγούμενων επισκεπτών, ειδικά σε υπηρεσίες όπως το Airbnb και το Booking.com.

Γίνετε δημιουργικοί με το κόστος των μεταφορικών

Ο πολλαπλασιασμός των αεροπορικών εταιρειών χαμηλού κόστους σημαίνει ότι τα ταξίδια μέσα σε συγκεκριμένες περιοχές ή σε χώρες με έντονο εγχώριο ανταγωνισμό στις αερομεταφορές, έχουν γίνει αρκετά φθηνότερα.

Επομένως, ίσως σας συμφέρει καλύτερα να κλείσετε μία πτήση μεγάλων αποστάσεων προς ένα μέρος και στη συνέχεια να πάρετε μια low cost αεροπορική εταιρεία (ή στην Ευρώπη, ένα τρένο) για να φτάσετε στην χώρα όπου πραγματικά θέλατε να πάτε.

Ψάξτε πέραν της πιο προφανούς διαδρομής.

Φύγετε από τα τουριστικά μέρη την ώρα του φαγητού

Αν θέλετε να φάτε ό,τι τρώνε οι ντόπιοι και να πληρώσετε ό,τι πληρώνουν εκείνοι, φύγετε από την περιοχή όπου βρίσκονται όλοι οι τουρίστες και ξεκινήστε την εξερεύνηση. Εάν απλά περπατήσετε για 15 λεπτά προς οποιαδήποτε κατεύθυνση ή κάνετε μερικές στάσεις με το μετρό, αυτό μπορεί να κάνει τεράστια διαφορά σε οποιαδήποτε πόλη γεμάτη τουρίστες.

Πιθανότατα θα ξοδέψετε λιγότερα και θα απολαύσετε περισσότερα αυθεντικά γεύματα και εμπειρίες.

Κατεβάστε μια εφαρμογή όπως το Google Translate στο τηλέφωνό σας για να μπορείτε να αποκρυπτογραφήσετε το μενού, σε ένα εστιατόριο που κανονικά δεν απευθύνεται σε ξένους.

Αποφύγετε την high season

Σίγουρα δεν είναι τόσο εύκολο να αποφύγετε την high season εάν είστε μια οικογένεια που ταξιδεύει ανάλογα με τα σχολικά προγράμματα, αλλά η high season δεν είναι η ίδια σε όλα τα μέρη.

Οι διακοπές στο νότιο ημισφαίριο είναι σε διαφορετική εποχή του χρόνου από το βόρειο, ενώ η κίνηση σε ορισμένους τροπικούς προορισμούς είναι πιο χαμηλή το καλοκαίρι επειδή υπάρχει περισσότερη βροχή.

Δημοφιλείς προορισμοί όπως το Μεξικό, το Μπελίζ και η Νότια Αφρική έχουν λιγότερο κόσμο μεταξύ Ιουνίου και Σεπτεμβρίου σε σχέση με το πρώτο τρίμηνο του έτους.

Η ιδανική περίοδος για πολλά δημοφιλή μέρη είναι όταν ο καιρός είναι ακόμα ευχάριστος αλλά οι μεγάλες μάζες λείπουν, όπως τον Μάιο στην Καραϊβική ή τον Οκτώβριο στην Ευρώπη.

Λειτουργήστε σαν «χάκερ» για δωρεάν δωμάτια και εισιτήρια

Τι κερδίζετε όταν χρεώνετε αγορές στην πιστωτική σας κάρτα; Οι περισσότερες αεροπορικές εταιρείες και αλυσίδες ξενοδοχείων διαθέτουν μια κάρτα επιβράβευσης μέσω Mastercard, Visa ή American Express, με την οποία μπορείτε να κερδίσετε μια δωρεάν πτήση ή μερικές διανυκτερεύσεις σε ξενοδοχείο μόνο από το μπόνους εγγραφής.

Στη συνέχεια, οι πόντοι συνεχίζουν να μαζεύονται καθώς χρησιμοποιείτε την κάρτα. Αυτά τα προνόμια μπορούν να μειώσουν δραστικά το κόστος των διακοπών.

Μπείτε τώρα για να προλάβετε θέσεις http://bit.ly/3TujKdW
Μην ξεχάσετε όταν προχωρήσετε στην ηλεκτρονική κράτηση να βάλετε τον κωδικό !OFFER-CUPON_5-20_€ αφου το αντιγραψετε απο εδώ για πάρετε επιπλέον έκπτωση .

Τετάρτη 9 Νοεμβρίου 2022

Greek PM Mitsotakis tells Bloomberg: Greece will become an exporter of green energy

 Greek PM Mitsotakis tells Bloomberg: Greece will become an exporter of green energy

Greece sees its future as an exporter of green energy and is working with Egypt on plans to build renewable energy infrastructure and connections with Africa, Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said from Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, where he is participating in the International Conference on climate-COP27.

In an interview on Bloomberg TV, he said that in the short term, Greece will extend its use of coal for two to three years, but has not given up on plans to move away from pollutant fossil fuels.

“We want to become a clean exporter of green electricity in central Europe,” he said. “We are in discussions with the Egyptians. We are promoting a very ambitious 3 gigawatt cable that will connect Africa to Greece and, of course, to have a 3 gigawatt cable, we need 10 gigawatts of installed renewable energy.”


Κυριακή 5 Ιουνίου 2022

Watch: Greece’s New Tourism Campaign, “You Will Want to Stay Forever!”


A new summer tourism campaign is supported by the Onassis Foundation "warns" tourists to think twice before visiting Greece.

Anyone considering visiting Greece for a holiday needs to think twice as once they’re in Greece, they may want to stay forever.

That’s the central theme in a new campaign for Greek tourism, launched by the Greek National Tourism Organization on Monday.

A video for the “Greece: You will want to say forever” campaign features an Austrian man, Otto, who tells his story of ending up in Greece to a backdrop of beautiful images from the Greek islands.

The new summer tourism campaign is supported by the Onassis Foundation and the promotional video was produced by Ogilvy.

This article was previously published at ekathimerini.com.

Δευτέρα 16 Μαΐου 2022

Mitsotakis-Biden talks: Greek-Turkish relations, the war in Ukraine, wayward Turkey’s new role in NATO


Mitsotakis-Biden talks: Greek-Turkish relations, the war in Ukraine, wayward Turkey’s new role in NATO

The talks come amid heightened Greek-Turkish tensions in the Aegean, with an exponential increase in violations of Greek national airspace, and Ankara's return to the fold.

Mitsotakis-Biden talks: Greek-Turkish relations, the war in Ukraine, wayward Turkey’s new role in NATO | tanea.gr

Had the scheduled talks between Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and President Joe Biden at the White House today occurred before the 24 February Russian invasion of Ukraine, the political context as far as Greece-Turkey relations, which has topped the agenda at meetings between Greek and American leaders for decades, the terrain would have been quite different, or at least less complex.

Ankara’s years of efforts to build exceptionally close ties with Moscow, strongly facilitated by Donald Trump’s relations with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s extremely close relationship with Putin, had pushed Washington’s relations with Ankara to a nadir.

The Putin-Erdogan relationship was fuelled by the strong elective affinities between the two authoritarian, neo-imperialist, revisionist leaders, and culminated in a close military cooperation with a $2.5bn deal in 2017 for the procurement of Russian S-400 missile systems, stirring intense consternation in Washington and drawing the ire of the departments of defence and state and of Congress, which has long been fuming. Erdogan eventually went as far as to respond to extreme pressures with threats to buy even more.

The unprecedented procurement by a NATO member-state of one of Russia’s most advanced weapons systems resoundingly violated a strong taboo in place since the founding of the Alliance and was treated as a fundamental threat to NATO, but Erdogan steadfastly thumbed his nose at intense US remonstrances and tough sanctions.

Turkey has no real friends in Washington, but it does have bitter opponents, the most prominent of which is the Chairman of the Senate Committee of Foreign Relations, Robert Menendez, who has staunchly supported the strategic Greece-Cyprus-Israel defence cooperation, which will be central to tomorrow’s talks, as will energy cooperation, made even more pressing and urgent by the ongoing Russo-Ukrainian war.

One key indication of the great durability of the Russo-Turkish relationship was that it survived and thrived after a Turkish Air Force F-16 fighter jet shot down a Russian Sukhoi Su-24M at the Turkey-Syria border when it extremely briefly entered Turkish airspace, an event that in previous years would almost certainly have triggered a major diplomatic even military crisis.

In the last three years, Erdogan’s stubborn and persistent refusal to give up the S-400s set in motion a series of tough US sanctions. In a strong slap from Washington, Turkey in April, 2021, was kicked out the fifth generation F-35 warplanes co-production programme (Turkish suppliers produced dozens of parts of the engine), in which it had already invested 1.4bn dollars.

The war that changes (almost) everything

When Prime Minister Mitsotakis steps into the Oval Office tomorrow he will have to navigate and find a common roadmap with the US president regarding the future of the extraordinarily complex nexus of Greece-Turkey-US relations, which has been fundamentally altered by the Biden administration’s strategy in the Russia-Ukraine war.

With little consultation with its allies, Washington has set as its goal the overall weakening of the Russian armed forces, as Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin explicitly stated in Ukraine recently.

Unless the situation bears out strong concerns over the prospect of a WWII, the conflict will remain at the level of a new Cold War, very likely returning Turkey to its crucial role as a buffer that it played in the many decades of the original one.

Erdogan has exploited with more than a touch of cunning the excruciating dilemma that confronts all of America’s NATO and European partners more broadly, seeking to exact as Turkish diplomacy has always done (with the centuries-old legacy of the Sublime Porte) the greatest possible returns for making what is essentially an ineluctable choice, being weened off of its tight embrace with Russia and balancing relations between two countries with which it has long maintained very close relations – Russia and Ukraine.

In a world that the US president has framed as an arena in which good is in an existential battle with evil - which is to say democracy versus revisionist, expansionist authoritarianism – Turkey’s choice is clear, but it will not come without quid pro quos, and that is what raises increasing concerns in Athens that US concessions may touch upon Greek vital interests, most notably in the Eastern Mediterranean, with its huge hydrocarbons deposits.

Sort it out at the negotiating table

Though Washington certainly does not accept Turkey’s pretence of being the predominant power in the Eastern Mediterranean, and has over the last years duly noted Ankara’s major provocations against Greece and Turkey’s sweeping challenges to Athens’ Exclusive Economic Zone in the region (the two countries came to the brink of a full-fledged military clash in July, 2020, defused with EU and NATO intervention), its basic line is unswerving – that the two neighbours and fellow NATO allies must sit alone at the negotiating table and sort things out, with a delimitation of their EEZs, culminating in a deal that may not align precisely with the UN’s 1982 Law of the Sea Convention, to which Turkey is not a signatory.

Mitsotakis’ strong cards, Turkish provocations

For his part, Mitsotakis is theoretically and in fact in a position of substantial advantage.

The US and Greece have over quite some time often publicly declared that their relations are at an unprecedentedly good level, a conviction predicated upon and completely borne out by the Greek Parliament’s ratification this week of the amended, bilateral Mutual Defence Cooperation Agreement, which greatly expands the US military presence in Greece, including an upgrade of the globally crucial Souda Bay, Crete, naval and air base, and the establishment of a base in the strategic port city of Thrace Alexandroupolis, the capital of the Evros border region, that has drawn the ire of Turkey, not only due to its relative geographical proximity.

For decades, Ankara has successfully worked to increase its strong influence over the Muslim minority of Western Thrace, with efforts to Turkify the ethnically Pomak and Roma elements of the minority, of which the majority is of ethnic Turkish origin. Some analysts fear that an increasingly revisionist world might lead the supremely revisionist Erdogan to push for some type of autonomy for the Muslim minority (as the 1923 Lausanne Treaty recognises it, though Ankara has always called it Turkish).

Heightened Aegean, Mediterranean tensions backdrop of talks

The Biden-Mitsotakis talks come at a time of heightened Greek-Turkish tensions in the Aegean. There has been an exponential, quantitatively and qualitatively, rise in violations of Greek national airspace since the beginning of the year, with a peak in late April – with over 150 violations over two days including flights over large inhabited islands such as Rhodes, Samos, and Kalymnos, among others.

That led Athens to respond by suspending bilateral talks on military confidence-building measures (decided during a cordial meeting between Mitsotakis and Erdogan οn 13 March in Istanbul) a move that came straight on the heels of Greek foreign ministry general secretary Themistoklis Demiris twice summoning the Turkish ambassador to the ministry to hand him two strongly- worded, consecutive demarches underlining that the violations trample over international law, endanger civil aviation, and undermine efforts at rapprochement.

Over the last year, Turkey has constantly and vociferously demanded that Greece demilitarise its Aegean islands, under the terms of the 1923 Lausanne Agreement, while Athens underlines Turkey’s longstanding official threat of war against Greece, its right to defend itself against Ankara’s huge Aegean Army (with NATO’s largest landing force, situated on the coast of Anatolia a stone’s throw away from the islands) and Turkey’s 47-year occupation of the Republic of Cyprus, since 2004 an EU member state.

Turkey’s anger, and the accompanying scathing criticism of Greece in the country’s largely controlled media, was spurred mainly by a 2.3bn euro Greece-France military procurement deal and strategic defence cooperation agreement signed in September, 2021.

The two countries already had signed a deal to for Greece to acquire 18 French Rafale fighter jets (12 used, six of which were delivered in January) and on 24 March finally signed the deal for the procurement of three Belharra frigates, that hugely bolster the Hellenic Navy’s capabilities with the most advanced technology, as its current ones are decades old.

The bilateral strategic defence cooperation agreement includes a mutual defence pact requiring each of the parties to intervene if the territorial integrity of the other is threatened by a third country (obviously Turkey), though it is at least highly uncertain that this includes the critical hot spot, Greece’s EEZ in the Eastern Mediterranean.

Greek F-35 deal, F-16s to Ankara, Turkey sole NATO member with no sanctions against Russia

Though the procurement deal with France clearly did not thrill Washington, as evidenced by the fact that at the time of the signing it claimed it was not aware of details, Athens in November, 2021 decided to apply and jump on board the Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) jets programme, from which Turkey was removed, a process that is moving forward, as Jane’s reported in February.

“Greece will be part of the F-35 programme. I think that's clearly understood by the government, by the Hellenic Air Force, but also by the US government. You've heard expressions to that effect not just from me but from senior officials of the State Department,” the report in the defence industry bible quoted then US Ambassador to Athens Geoffrey Pyatt as saying.

Ensuring progress on that deal will no doubt be high on the agenda of both sides in Washington as will the reported intention of the US to sell Turkey a large batch of F-16s, a prospect that emerged after the Russian invasion of Ukraine and Ankara’s efforts to project the image of a well-behaved partner returning in earnest to the NATO fold and of a peacemaker, hosting two, alas ultimately fruitless, rounds of Russia-Ukraine talks, one in Istanbul and another in Antalya.

Mitsotakis and main opposition SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras last week clashed in Parliament over reports of the sale F-16s sale, with the PM declaring it to be “a lie”.

Tsipras, who said he will dismiss the reports only if President Biden publicly denies them, has repeatedly underlined that Turkey is the sole member of the Alliance that steadfastly refuses, with no repercussions, to enforce any sanctions against Russia. Its only move was to close the Bosphorus and Dardanelles to all warships on 28 February, four days after Russia invaded Ukraine.

Mitsotakis is certain to make clear his government’s concerns over the US bolstering a long wayward NATO ally that has greatly escalated its concrete military threats against Greece, both in the Aegean and the Mediterranean.

On May 7, Turkey’s Hurriyet Daily News reported that unnamed US lawmakers see a prospect of Turkey making a six billion dollar purchase of 40 Block 70 F-16 fighter jets and approximately 80 modernisation kits to upgrade its existing fleet.

Mitsotakis first Greek PM to address joint session of US Congress

At the invitation of US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Kyriakos Mitsotakis will be the first Greek Prime Minister to address a joint session of the US Congress, in which Greece enjoys strong support and Turkey is still viewed with well-grounded suspicions, a singular honour that his government has understandably touted, noting that Erdogan, despite persistent and strenuous efforts, has yet to be received by the US president at the White House.

In his address, the Greek prime minister is certain to underline that US-Greece ties are the closest and best ever, that Greece’s crucial geostrategic position makes it a pillar of stability in a very troubled region, that Athens seeks good neighbourly relations and talks with Turkey but only on the basis of international law and never in the shadow of gunboat diplomacy, that the Greece-Cyprus-Israel strategic military alliance contributed greatly to regional stability, and that Greece has firmly positioned itself on “the right side of history”, as he is wont to say, by offering palpable support to Ukraine, with military and humanitarian aid, as it fends of Russia’s unprovoked and barbaric invasion, which has already produced a long list of war crimes that fall under the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court.
